
Showing posts from 2018


It was a long flight from Bahrain and my energy is quite drained because I was already awake at 5 in the morning nonetheless, I was trying to keep myself energized because of my trip to Hong Kong will be quite exhausting. This will be a tiring trip for me because I will only spend a day in Hong Kong and perhaps the shortest trip I ever did. I did not want to stay long, as a matter of fact, this is only a stopover, I took a Cathay Pacific flight to the Philippines and it has a stopover in Hong Kong for four hours but I decided to make it one day since I want to go out of the airport and explore a little bit of the island. I didn't do much of a plan on where to go and what to see since I am only spending a day, however, I did a little research on where to spend my day. I made sure that I will not waste any time there figuring out where to go, at least I have an idea of what to see as soon as I arrive there. I arrived at Chek Lap Kok around 5 in the morning, I was


Whenever there is an opportunity to explore Saudi Arabia, I don’t hesitate to do it. Aside from the fact that there are only a few places which you can visit, going to these places alone is quite hard especially if you don’t have your own car. It was an unplanned trip; I was just tagged by a friend who has a guest from Jeddah, luckily I’m not busy that day, and even if I am I would probably leave everything just to join this trip. The weather is cold, perfect to roam around; a two-hour drive to the cave is not quite boring at all especially if you have a good companion and you are not the one driving. I’ve been looking forward to visiting this place quite some time but I just couldn’t find the opportunity. There have been plans before but nothing materializes, I thought I won’t have the opportunity anymore to see this place. The Al Qarah cave or popularly known as the Judas cave is located in Hofuf, a city in Al Hasa which is a part of the Eastern Province of