OKTOBERFEST 2015: A Festival of Drinking and Merry-making
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit!

It is my first time to attend a big event like this so the excitement in me is overflowing, I know that this is gonna be fun so I was really looking forward to this. I am not really a beer drinker but my alcohol tolerance is quite high so I guess it will be put into test this time.
We arrived in Munich on the first week of the festival, as soon as we arrived there, without any rest, we immediately went to the Oktoberfest. We didn't mind the long travel, all we want is to be there on our first day in Germany. It seems that our bodies are longing for a drink, after all we came from a country where alcohol is strictly prohibited, so it's okay if we had our beer on our first day.
As soon as we arrived in our accommodation, we just put our things there, talked to our hosts for a while and directly went to Hauptbahnhof to meet some friends. We've been contacting some friends prior to our arrival in Germany to accompany us at the festival.
The Oktoberfest is a huge fair happening during the mid or last week of September until the first week of October. It is also being celebrated in some parts of the world, but the original only happens in Munich Germany.
This annual festival receives an estimate of six million tourists from all over the world. We are kinda expecting a huge crowd but since our first day of visit is a weekday, the number of people is not that big, but on our second day of visit which is a Saturday, oh boy, the crowd is insane!
So we went back at the Oktoberfest on a weekend, we want to see the atmosphere during that day. We met some of our Couchsurfing friends around ten in the morning. We have to be that early because it's a weekend and for sure the tents will be full. The tents are opening at ten in the morning and by the time we arrived the crowd is already big. We have to wait in the line for at least one hour before we get into the tent. And once we get inside our adrenaline went high because the mood is very crazy.
It was a whole day of drinking and merry-making and the serving of beer is nonstop. Everyone is singing Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit while everyone is raising their steins.
Celebrating the Oktoberfest is one of the highlights of my trip to Europe and one of the memorable things I've done so far, the experience is really unforgettable especially the people I met and became friends with and it is something to look forward of doing it again on my future travel.
Ein prosit (cheers) on my next Oktoberfest!
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